home Aura reading /meditation courses
aura reading Just like ebb and flood from the sea, we also change constantly.
Some moments it can be very useful to meet someone to get to know your self better.
Your energy field, your aura, contains a lot of information about yourself. When I tune in to your aura, this formation expresses itself by symbols that are like a mirror from which you may get more insight in yourself and your situation. As a mediator I translate these symbols into words to you.
A reading takes about an hour and will be recorded for you on tape.
Seven in a row When standing with both legs on the ground and your head reaching into heaven, your chakras are aligned and your energy can flow easily.
In seven sessions we make contact with each of our chakras to become more conscious of them. We will experience this by inquiry, mediation, visualisation and drawing.
By becoming more conscious you can free yourself from old patterns and blocks to be more in balance and to connect inside and outside.
awakening your Light Body With this beautiful, intense meditation course you can make a quantum leap in your spiritual growth.
In the light body course we activate ten vibrational energy centres through sounds and energy transmission and you will be taken on an inner journey.
This enhances your vibration and you become a greater radiating source of light. The people, situations, and things you draw to you will reflect your higher vibration. You are truly becoming your Higher Self in your everyday life.
mirror image, tell me A one day workshop where you can learn to paint and draw a (self-)portrait starting out of meditation.
It can be technically satisfying to paint or draw a (self-)portrait without contact with your inner world. However, it becomes more fascinating if you can catch the essence of the one you are painting within the portrait. This course will be given together with Mitsy Groenendijk.
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